Friday, February 29, 2008

The rest of my travels

Due to Ryan Air promotion all my future flight are now ordered. So the rest of my wanderings are more or less set.

I am in Meknes, Morocco now and hope to cross the Strait of Gibraltar around March 10 by ferry. Plan to visit Gibraltar, possibly Sevilla, and move fast to Southern Portugal. Around March 21 will be in Madrid and by March 25 be in Girona near Barcelona.
March 26 flight Girona -- Tenerife South...FR9725...6:10 -- 8:50.
Return from Canary Islands April 6 flight Fuerteventura -- Girona...FR9722...12:55 -- 17:15.
Visiting Barcelona -- Balearic Islands by ferries -- Valencia.
April 16 flight Valencia -- Rome...FR9678...21:35 -- 23:25.
Have 3 weeks for Rome, perhaps more Florence, from Livorno to Corsica, return to Genoa and arrival to Milan before May 7.
May 7 flight Milan -- Brussels...FR4523...8:30 -- 10:05. Almost 2 weeks for Belgium, possibly Netherlands.
May 20 flight Brussels -- Dublin... FR47...19:00 -- 19:15.
May 23 by American Airlines flight Dublin -- Chicago AA93...10:30 -- 12:30, flight Chicago -- New York La Guardia AA362... 14:20 -- 17:30.
This was the first time I was traveling in Europe during wintertime. So I decided i will at least enjoy opera. Alas for different reasons I cannot boast too much.
Bucharest season was opening only on October 14 when I already left.
Sofia opera house was closed for long repairs couple of days before my arrivals.
In Athens I did enjoy Rossini's La Cenerentola -- though in simplified children version.
The greatest disappointment was Italy -- no opera performances when I was in Naples, Florence, Venice. Milan.
But in Barcelona I did listen at last the performance of Richard Strauss" Electra with Deborah Polanski and Eva Marton. First Class! I even have changed my unfavorable opinion on R. Strauss.
Maybe I will be more lucky in Rome.
Besides, in Belgium the city of Liege has had two celebrities: Simenon and Gretry.
While everybody knows Simenon's inspector Megre very few people remember Gretry -- the most popular opera composer in Paris before the French Revolution. Though hard core opera lovers know about him, as the old countess in Tchaikovsky's Queen of Spades sings a melody from Gretry's opera Richard Coeur de Lion. But Liege does remember her favorite son -- in front of the opera house they erected his monument and they do perform his operas. I'll try to attend one.
Another cultural story about Neapolitan painter of 17-18 centuries Salvator Rosa, who by mid-19 century was counted among the greatest. but after that his fame faded away. But to my surprise in Naples they do remember him -- and are having a personal exhibition now, unfortunately a week after I left Naples.
bye-bye now!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My travels from Dec 23, 2007 to Feb 26, 2008

Not all of my correspondents enjoy my twisted sense of humor. Some demand details straight from the guide books. But I usually discard the guide books after using them -- so I will try to list the places I have visited fr the last two mnths.

Rhodes Island -- Marmaris, Turkey and along the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey (historical areas of Caria, Lycia, Pampylia): Koycegiz, Dalyan, ruins of Kaunos, Fethiye, Saklikent Gorge, ruins of Xanthos, Kas, Myra, ruins of Olympos--in all these places many impressive Lycian Tombs cut in stone.

Antalya -- Turkish city with monuments from Hellenistic, Roman, Turkish times; Anamur with huge Mamure Castle built by Cylician Armenians and another ruined Greek-Roman-Bysantine city Anamurius, Beautiful ride along the coast to the port of Tasucu and waiting for good weather for ferry crossing to Northern Cyprus;

Kyrenia, Famagusta, Nicosia(Turkish-Greek), Paphos, Limassol, Larnaka -- numerous monuments from prehistoric, Greek, Crusaders, Venetian, Ottoman, etc. periods.
Malta -- absolutely unique island -- no words to desribe.

Italy: Pozzallo, Agrigento, Naples, Florence, Venice, Milan -- commentaries not needed.

Girona and Barcelona, flight to Fez, Morocco, First day here.
Greetings from morocco!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Florence, Italy

В Греции и на Кипре куда ни глянешь -- везде
старые друзья. Даже улицы названы именами
моих старых друзей: Софокл, Перикл, Платон,
Ликург, Геродот, Сократ, и др. Это уже не
говоря о богах и героях, с которыми я давно
запанибратски. Я даже стал думать, не в аду
ли я. Говорят там куда ни глянешь -- везде
встречаешь старых знакомых.

Так что я сбежал из еллинского мира -- и
оказался на острове Мальта. Хотя я раньше и
не якшался с членами рыцарских орденов, я
легко вошёл в их среду и был зачарован
Мальтой. Кроме совершенно фантастических
нагромождений совершенно гиганцких крепостей
тем меня также поразили доисторические
мистические сооружения времён неолита,
воздвигнутые ранее Стоунхеджа и египетских

В связи со своей лвиной натурой я
ассоциировался с рыцарем Ричард Львиное
Сердце. На Кипре я даже побывал в замке,
где он венчался с Буренгарией Наварской.
С Мальты на пароме я прибыл в Сицилию.
Оказалось, что тут меня тоже не забыли.
Знаменитый крецтный отец Корлеоне -- ведь
это по-итальянски он значет тоже Львиное
Сердце! Так что там я был мафиозо. Но тут,
во Флоренции, итальянцы совсем обнаглели.
Какой-то Микельамджело изваял моё тело, но
назвал скульптуру Давидом. А Леонардо украл
мою знаменитую улыбку и отдал её какой-то
Моне Лизе. Возможно придётся с ними судиться.

Так что я пробуду тут ещё несколько дней. И
точно не знаю, куда направлюсь дельше.

Но два авиабилета уже купил:
20 февраля Милан -- Барселона,
26 февраля Барселона-Фес (Марокко).

А пока шлю приветы из Флоренции.
