Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rhodes Island

Вероятно, вам знакомо латинское выражение:
" Hic Rhodus -- hic salta!" (Здесь Родос --
здесь и прыгай!). Это замечание обычно
делают хвастунам, любящим рассказывать
небылицы о своих былых свершениях. Основано
это на басне Эзопа, где герой уверяет, как
высоко он прыгал, когда был на оцтрове Родос.
Но я уже на этом острове и хвастать не стану,
а то ещё вы поймаете меня на слове
и скажете: "Hic Rhodus -- hic salta!"
Ныне о себе я могу только
сказать, перефразируя другого баснописца:

"Попрыгунчик стрекозёл
Лето красное пропел,
Оглянуться не успел,
Как мороз за ним пришёл!"

Да, даже в этих южных краях декабрь весьма
чувствуется. А в дополнение сегодня самый
короткий день года. Вскоре, по-видимому,
достану из рюкзака свою тёплую парку с
Северного полюса. Как любит поучать меня
мой тёзка очень мудрый, но слишком осторожный
Лев Баренбаум: "Ну, Лёва, подожди! Ты ещё
допрыгаешься!" Он оказался прав -- я таки-да
допрыгался до Родоса. Дальше прыгать уже
некуда, островов больше нет. Ещё один прыжок --
и я окажусь на азиатском материке, в Турции.
Но пока я всё ещё в Греции, хочу поздравить
вас с Новым Годом, играя на лире Аполлона:

Когда бы прискакал Пегас,
Я бы забрался на Парнас.
Ввиду ж большого бездорожья
Я побывал лишь у подножья.

Но всё ж моя бряцает лира --
Привет от старого сатира!
И вас со всем честным народом
Я поздравляю с Новым Годом!

Ваш страдающий от многократного раздвоения
личности Лео-Аполлон-Геракл-Ариадна-Тезей
и другие (но,скорее всего, Нарцисс)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Heraklion, Greece. (Crete Island).

Now I am exploring the Greek Isles. Sure it is very low season. From one side it is easy to find relatively inexpensive accommodation. But from the other side many places and services are closed or work very rarely.

So unfortunately I failed to visit the island of Delos only 6 miles from the popular Mykonos. This is the birthplace of Apollo and his sister Artemis. That is why the Delos is uninhabited from the antiquity and only welcomes worshippers and tourists to the major shrine of Apollo – mainly during the summer. This sanctuary became even more important now when the
house in Kiev, where Apollo lived during his second coming to Earth in the image of Leo Falk, has been converted into a bank and is not accessible any more for the worshippers.

And Mykonos – this world famous resort. Here EVERYTHING is whitewashed. So I was whitewashed with the houses too. All my sins are now forgiven, I am an innocent boy again.
The other islands (Syros, Paros, Naxos, Santorini) were interested for me too, but cannot tell too much in a short message. Now I am on Crete, later Rodos – and from there to Turkey.
Recently I began suffering from multiple personality disorder. Looking at Delos I was Apollo, but on Naxos I felt like Ariadna, abandoned by her lover Teseus after she helped him to get out of the labyrinth by providing the thread. So I was singing: "Sola, perduta, abandonata!".
Now in Crete I did visit Knossos palace and the labyrinth – and I was Teseus himself slaying the Minotaur.

The only solace I take is in the fact that all Greek mythical heros: Heracles, Teseus, Perseus, Leo Falk, and others were granted immortality.

So I am heading to Mount Olympus to share a drink of ambrosia with the Gods. If you repent your sins you may join me there.

Ciao, Leo

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Athens, Greece

About my recent explorations in Greece.
Sure the vast archaeological areas of ancient Greece in Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidavros, Sparta,etc. are impressive, but after awhile all these deja vue ruins become a little bit boring. Still more impressive are Venetian towns and fortresses at Corfu and at extremely picturesque Nafplion. Some Turkish mosques, hammams, fountains, etc. here and there and the old town of Ioannina are interesting too. Near Sparta there lies the abandoned Byzantine town of Mystras, which grew up around the crusader castle of 1249.
But those are still ruins, though rather well preserved.
And nothing could prepare me for Monemvasia. Near the NE shore of Peloponnese peninsula a huge rock jolts from the sea in the shape of Devil's tower in Wyoming, but much larger. It became separated form the mainland during the earthquake in 375 AD., but i connected now by a causeway. A bus takes you to the only gate in the otherwise impenetrable wall on the other side of the rock. By passing through the gate you enter a medieval Byzantine city with the houses, churches, rainwater cisterns, etc. along the cobble paved streets. No motor vehicle or even a bicycle allowed inside -- so the supplies to the restaurants and boutiques are delivered only by pack horses or donkeys.
Well, sure now is a low season. But I did not expect to be the only passenger on the bus and the only visitor to the excellent museum in the former church/mosque/prison and generally to the city. My only companion was the rain -- the first after many dry days, so lucky I am -- but even that could not spoil my admiration. I felt like a feudal signor to whom the whole place belonged.
In the afternoon the rain stopped and a group of Greek tourists appeared. But majority of them did not even attempted the steep climb to the top of the rock with the Agia Sofia church perched on one side of the precipice and the fortress on the other. Between them the vast area with occasional ruins belong to the nature. Though the rock is not that high it has some features of an alpine meadow with tender fragile crocus-like white and blue flowers spread along the hardly noticed paths. The only sounds were the occasional chirpings of insects reminding the beeps of an electronic device.
Well, I considered myself to be a reasonably educated person. But I never before heard of this place deserving at least the fame of Brugge, Carcasson, Dubrovnik, Rothenburg, Lijiang, etc.
So I do not look any more like self-confident and sophisticated Apollo of Belvedere, but rather like a stupid naive simpleton with wide open eyes and mouth wondering about the things around me.
So now, as it turns out I am not Apollo do you still want to hear from this stupid simpleton and receive his foolish messages? Generally my list becomes to vast -- I am afraid Yahoo soon will deny me sending messages to so many addresses. While very few of my correspondents occasionally respond -- which is appreciated -- from very many I never hear anything. I am not even sure they read my reports.
So I would like to hear whether you still desire to be on the list and receive my messages.
Ciao, Leo
Short notice in Russian:
Proboval perevesti v Cyrillic, no na etom computere eto nevozmozhno. Tut ya govoryu o svoyom viskhishchenii starinnymv vizantiyskim gorodom i prohu soobshchit bsyo li vy eshchyo khotite byt v moyom spiske i poluchat moi otchyoty.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sparta, Greece

Ne gozhe nam, spartancam, zhalovat'sya i khnykat'. Ne khotel by ya i prichinyat' volneniya svoim korrespondentam. No moya pravdivost' ne poizvolyaet skryt' ot vas nebol'shoe priklyuchenie.
Obychno, kogda menya moi obozhatel'nicy sprashivayut -- Lyovochka, razve tebe ne trudno? -- ya otvechayu po evrejskoj tradicii voprosom na vopros -- a chto legko v 'etoj zhizni?
No v etot raz ya otvechu po-nashemu, po-prostomu, po-russkomu -- Ojc! A zokhn vej! Mine taki-da trudno!
Ya davno zametil, chto ot muzeev ya ustayu znachitel'no bol'she, chem ot khozhdeniya po ulicam. Konechno, esli muzej ne predostavlyaet posetitelyam invalidnuyu kreslo-kachalku, ka chasto byvaet v civilizovannykh stranakh.
V centre Tirany -- stolicy Albanii -- raspolozhen bol'shoj Nacional'nyj muzej istorii, pomeshchennyj na vershinu shirokikh impozantnykh stupenej. 7 noyabrya ya provyol ves' den' v muzee, ochen' ustal -- i pri vykhode upal na lestnice tak, chto moya yagodica ugodila na rebro stupeni. Ya vstal i poshkandybal dal'she. No cherez chas ya pochuvstvoval, chto mne trudno sognut'sya i pod"yom i spusk po stupenyam prichinyaet sil'nuyu bol'. Cherez neskol'ko dnej v osnashchyonnom zerkalami otele ya obnaruzhil, chto moya zadnica pochernela, kak u negra. Ili, esli sravnivat' moyu yagodicu s yagodoj, ona vyglyadela kak chernika.
V Afinakh ya otpravilsya v tu zhe samuyu bol'nicu, gde 26 let nazad podvergsya amputacii. Tam menya zaverili, chto vse ostavshiesya kosti vsyo eshchyo na meste i ne povrezhdeny.
Teper' uzhe samoe trudnoe pozadi. Zadnica moya uzhe poblednela, ona uzhe sinego cveta, kak u tuarega, ili, govorya obrazno, moya yagodichka teper' golubichka, a vskore budet klubnichka. I khodit' i sgibat'sya mne uzhe legko. Segodnya bez truda zavyazal shnurki.
Kak vy ponimaete, ya vsyo eto vremya ne sidel sidnem.
Tut v Grecii mnogo gor i kholmov -- i na vershine mnogikh stoit starinnaya krepost'. Pri takoj dlitel'noj i krovavoj istorii ukrepleniya sooruzhali vse. Tak chto est' chto posmotret' ot vsekh `epokh: krito-mikenskoj, grecheskoj klassicheskoj, `ellinisticheskoj, rimskoj, vizantijskoj, ispanskoj, venezianskoj, ottomanskoj, britanskoj. Tak chto prishlos' vzbirat'sya na mnogie vershiny pochti na chetveren'kakh. K osobenno krupnym dostizheniyam ya otnoshu voskhozhdeniya na Akropol' v Afinakh i staruyu krepost' na ostrove Korfu.
A pozavchera ya taki-da preodolel 999 stupenek, vedushchikh k nemyslimo vysokoj i obshirnoj venecianskoj tverdyne na otvesnoj skale v ocharovatel'nom gorode Nafplion. `Eto dokazyvaet, chto ya prakticheski prishyol v normu.
`Eto eshchyo raz postverdilo moj princip: preodolevat' trudnosti nesmotrya ni na chto.
K sozhaleniyu, ves'ma pechal'noe sobytie kosvenno takzhe podtverdilo moj princip. Veroyatno, vy znaete, chto ya podderzhivayu svyaz' so svoimi odnoklassnikami. Nam sejchas, v osnovnom, po 71 godu. Uvy, moj shkol'nyj drug Musya Fishtejn skonchalsya sovsem nedavno v vozraste 70 let. Prichyom on ne byl iz ochen' bolevshikh. Odnako, on vyol ochen' nepodvizhnyj obraz zhizni -- i posle infakta ego ne stalo.
Tak chto ya prodolzhayu svoyo puteshestvie i svoy spartanskij obraz zhizni, chto osobenno kstati zdes', v Sparte.
Vash spartanec Lev
Город...........Спарта  Провинция.......Лакония  Полуостров......Пелоппонес  Страна..........Греция  Конинент........Европа
Не гоже нам, спартанцам, жаловаться и хныкать. Не хотел бы я и причинять волнения своим корреспондентам. Но моя правдивость не поизволяет скрыть от вас небольшое приключение.
Обычно, когда меня мои обожательницы спрашивают -- Лёвочка, разве тебе не трудно? -- я отвечаю по еврейской традиции вопросом на вопрос -- а что легко в этой жизни?
Но в этот раз я отвечу по-нашему, по-простому, по-русскому -- Ойц! А зохн вей! Мине таки-да трудно!
Я давно заметил, что от музеев я устаю значительно больше, чем от хождения по улицам. Конечно, если музей не предоставляет посетителям инвалидную кресло-качалку, как часто бывает в цивилизованных странах.
В центре Тираны -- столицы Албании -- расположен большой Национальный музей истории, помещенный на вершину широких импозантных ступеней. 7 ноября я провёл весь день в музее, очень устал -- и при выходе упал на лестнице так, что моя ягодица угодила на ребро ступени. Я встал и пошкандыбал дальше. Но через час я почувствовал, что мне трудно согнуться и под"ём и спуск по ступеням причиняет сильную боль. Через несколько дней в оснащённом зеркалами отеле я обнаружил, что моя задница почернела, как у негра. Или, если сравнивать мою ягодицу с ягодой, она выглядела как черника.
В Афинах я отправился в ту же самую больницу, где 26 лет назад подвергся ампутации. Там меня заверили, что все оставшиеся кости всё ещё на месте и не повреждены.
Теперь уже самое трудное позади. Задница моя уже побледнела, она уже синего цвета, как у туарега, или, говоря образно, моя ягодичка теперь голубичка, а вскоре будет клубничка. И ходить и сгибаться мне уже легко. Сегодня без труда завязал шнурки. Как вы понимаете, я всё это время не сидел сиднем.
Тут в Греции много гор и холмов -- и на вершине многих стоит старинная крепость. При такой длительной и кровавой истории укрепления сооружали все. Так что есть что посмотреть от всех эпох: крито-микенской, греческой классической, эллинистической, римской, византийской, испанской, венецианской, оттоманской, британской. Так что пришлось взбираться на многие вершины почти на четвереньках. К особенно крупным достижениям я отношу восхождения на Акрополь в Афинах и старую крепость на острове Корфу. А позавчера я таки-да преодолел 999 ступенек, ведущих к немыслимо высокой и обширной венецианской твердыне на отвесной скале в очаровательном городе Нафплион. Это доказывает, что я практически пришёл в норму.
Это ещё раз поствердило мой принцип: преодолевать трудности несмотря ни на что.
К сожалению, весьма печальное событие косвенно также подтвердило мой принцип. Вероятно, вы знаете, что я поддерживаю связь со своими одноклассниками. Нам сейчас, в основном, по 71 году. Увы, мой школьный друг Муся Фиштейн скончался совсем недавно в возрасте 70 лет. Причём он не был из очень болевших. Однако, он вёл очень неподвижный образ жизни -- и после инфакта его не стало.
Когда старуха с косой придёт за мной, она вряд ли застанет меня дома.
Так что я продолжаю своё путешествие и свой спартанский образ жизни, что особенно кстати здесь, в Спарте.
Ваш спартанец Лев

Friday, November 9, 2007

Gjirocaster, Albania

My Lonely Planet guidebook states that November is the
wettest month in Albaniawith heavy rains every day.
So I was considering moving my Albanian adventures to
January after many unpleasant days in the neighboring
countries. But I was so close that I decided to jump
into it anyway.
Well, never during this trip I experienced such
consistently nice sunny days in a row like now in
And I had to visit Apollonia -- ruins of a Greco-Roman
city dedicated to me. Surely you have noiced tha he
famous sculpture Apollo of Belvedere looks exacly like
me. That is because I was posing for it when I was
young, before the amputation. Since then many
sculptors made Apollo statues in my image. So now you
understand why so many staues are missing the limbs.
he artiss just wanted to faithfully show my
amputations. Well, my good friend Julius Caesar has awarded
Apollonia with a "free city" title because we suppored
him in the sruggle with Pompey. And Julius sent his
nephewOctaviushere, asking me o take care of his
education. So now you know why the emperor Octavius
Augustus was so successful.
And oday I arrived at the picturesque town of
Gjirocaster. Unfortunately my luck wih weaher has
dried out--it is raining while I am writing this
Tomorrow morning I go to the port Saranda == and
perhaps will cross to Korfu, Greece.
Your Apollo -- aging, but still striking his Lyra.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ohrid, Macedonia

I pod zvyozdami balkanskimi
Vspominaesh nesprosta
Yaroslavskie, ryazanskie
I smolenskie mesta.
Da, tut obnaruzhivaetsya, chto Rossia ne obladaet monopoliey na otsutstvie nadyozhnoy informatsii ili pryamuyu dezinformatsiyu. Dostatochnuyu dolyu etogo ya ispytal v Bolgarii. No, konechno, v etom, kak i vo vsyom, "horosha strana Bolgaria, a Rossia luchshe vseh!"
Odnako, povidimomu ya nespravedliv -- pogoda byla ko mne laskova i ya posetil mnogo interesnyh mest po marshrutu Varna-Nesebr-Veliko Tyrnovo-Plovdiv-Koprivshchitsa
-Sofia-Rylski Monastyr-Blagoevgrad. V eto vremya osennie kraski byli v polnom razgare, osobenno na sklonah ushchelya vozle Rylskogo Monastyrya s byglyadyvayushchimi vershinami gor, priporoshennymi snegom. Konechno, krasivo. No tut a ponyal, pochemu samaya zhivopisnaya osen v mire v Novoy Anglii. Zheltye i zelyonye tone tut horoshi, no nehvataet bagryantsa klyonov.
Posle Bolgarii ya okazalsya v Makedonii -- vy ved znaete, chto ya lyublyu sledovat po sledam svoego druzhka Cashi Makedonskogo. Mezhdu prochim, na Vostoke ego nazyvayut Iskander Makdonya -- chast zvuchit ka Makdonald. No vse velikie pokoriteli mira (Alexandr Makedonskiy, Chingiz-khan, Napoleon Bonapart i Leo Falk) ne mogut sravnitsya s Ronaldom McDonaldom -- kuda ya ne priedu --- on uzhe tam.
Iz stolitsy makedonii Skopye ya smotalsya na paru dney v Kosovo -- Proshtina i Prizren. Posledniy byl stolitsey srednevekovoy Serbii, no nyne vyglyadit kak zhivopisnyy turetskiy gorod s mnogochislennymi mechetyami i minaretami.
A seychas ya v ocharovatelnom Ohride: na holme staryy gorod s krepostyu i vizantiyskimi tserkvyami. i vsyo eto na beregu iskluchitelno zhivopisnogo Ohridskogo ozera.
Na drugoy storone ozera Albania, gde ya budu zavtra.

In Bulgaria i followed the most interesting places: Varna-Nesebar-Veliko Tarnovo-Plovdiv-Koprivshchitsa-Sofia-Rila Monastery-Blagoevgrad. The weather was fair and the autumn foliage was at its peak. But now I understan why they say that the best foliage in the world is in New England. Though the yeloows and greens are bright , especially with the snow covered mountain tops near Rila Monastery, The reds and carmines are missing here. Couple of irritating moments spoiling some impressions I did enjoy that country.
After Bulgaria I found myself in Macedonia. You know that I like following the steps of Alexander the Great. Perhaps we are related -- it is not by chance that we both have the same last name: Alexander the Great and Leo the Great.
By the way in the East he is called Iskander Makdonya, often sounds
Makdonald. And I have to admit that all the world conquerers (Alexander the Great, Ghengis Khan, Napoleon Bonapart, and leo Falk) -- we all cannot compete with Ronald McDonald. Wherever I come -- he is already there!
From Macedonian capital Skopje I visited Kosovo -- Prishtina and Prizren. The latter was the capital of medieval Serbia, but now with numerous mosques it looks like a picturesque Turkish town.
Today I am in the charming Ohrid. The old city with the steep cobbled streets and Byzantine churches is crowned by a fortress. And all this on the shore of the picturesque Ohrid Lake.
On the other side of the lake lies Albania, where I will be tomorrow.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Varna, Bulgaria

Bucharest is called sometimes a little Paris.. Yes, there are sometimes some remains of faded glory. And Ciausescu left for the posterity his monument -- the enormous House of the People -- second largest building in the world after Pentagon.

Then i went to the Danube Delta, which was declared by UNESCO a World Natural Heritage Site. Below the town of Tulcea the river splits into 3 channels. The boat trips on the middle arm from Tulcea to Sulina(another faded glory) and back was nice. I also enjoyed the bus trip Tulcea-Constanta through the vinyards of Dobrugia.

And it turned out that before me another great poet has visited Constanta. It was Ovid exiled there by the Roman emperor. But I am sure you are eager to hear the masterpiece composed by Leo Falk on that occasion. Here it is:

Ovid exiled was to Constantsa,
Complained a lot about his fate --
But Leo Falk composed this stanza
And sends to you a little bit late.
As he is now in Bulgaria
Observimng local viticulture--
And in composing this scenario
He failed to use his wit and culture.

Now i am already in Varna. In antiquity it was called Odessos. (After acquiring Crimea and the adjoining lands Catherine the Great has founded several towns naming them after Greek cities known form the literature. Later on it became obvious the Kherson, Sevastopol, and Odessa should have been in other locations). The archeological Museum here is magnificent -- and about the beaches everybody has heard. But in 2 days I am moving further in Bulgaria.

Бухарест иногда називают маленъким Парижем. Да, конечно кое-где заметни остатки билой роскоши. А Чаушеску оставил для потомства гигантский Народний дом -- второе по величине здание в мире после Пентагона.
Оттуда я отправился в делъту Дуная, которая объявлена ЮНЕСКО объектом биологического наследия мирового значения. Ниже города Тулъча делъта образуется тремя рукавами. Приятно било проплитъ на корабле туда и назад между Тулъчей и Сулиной, которая знавала лучшее время, судя по остаткам билого. И оченъ хорошо било прокатитъся по Добрудже мимо многочисленних виноградников до Констанци.
Но оказалосъ, что до меня другой великий поет побивал в Констанце. Ето бил Овидий Назон. Напомню вам об Онегине:

...что занимало целий денъ его тоскующую ленъ,
Била наука страсти нежной, которую воспел Назон,
За что страдалъцем кончил он
Свой век печалъний и мятежний
В Молдавии, в глуши степей,
Вдали Италии своей.

Но вам, конечно, нетерпится услишатъ шедевр Лео Фалъка, написанний по етому поводу. Так вот он:

В Констанце дни влачил Овидий
И жаловался о судъбе,
Но Лео Фалък там бсе увидел
Всего за денъ. И о боръбе
С судъбой совсем не помишляя,
По городу он побродил --
И с вами вести разделяя,
К болгарам бистро укатил.

Сейчас я уже в Варне, котиорая в древности називаласъ Одессос. (После покорения Крима и Новороссии Екатерина Вторая основала несколъко городов, присвоив им древнегреческие имена, известние по литературе. Но впоследствии оказалосъ. что Херсон, Севастполъ и Одесса оказалисъ не на своем месте). Тут великолепний Археологический музей и знаменитие пляжи. Но завтра отправляюсъ далъше по Болгарии.

Чао! Напечатано на болгарском компъютере -- алфавит чутъ отличается от русского.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Brasov, Romania

So, I spent nine days in my native city Kiev. Perhaps not enough, but I wanted to speed up my moving to the next destinations. Visited many old familiar places and the graves. Met few relatives and friends -- few because not many left. Kiev did change, perhaps for the better. The city is clean, many old buildings have been and are being renovated. And the construction boom is in full swing -- not less, maybe more than in Moscow. At the same time I noticed the new distinctly Kievan architectural style. I would call it neoeclecticism or pseudo antique. In the old city areas the new buildings are built in a style similar to the surrounding edifices -- mainly of the turn of the 19/20 centuries time. And they are enhanced by the metal details (balcony railings, hoods, etc.) obviously from one or more workshops which are especially fond of art deco style.

But in spite of those positive developments (and I do not mention the negative ones) I did not have a strong "nostalgic click". I.e. I would not like to return to live here even with a good income.

From Kiev I went by train to Suceava, Romania. After exploring the painted churches of Southern Bukovina (15-16 centuries with remarkably well preserved frescos both inside and outside) I moved to Transylvania: Sighisoara, Sibiu, Brasov. This is the country of the infamous Vlad Tepes better known as Count Dracula. This poor guy maybe just wanted to make donations to the neighborhood's depleted blood bank. But he did not hire a proper PR company -- so they gave him a bad publicity. So now I am visiting some medieval castles which claim to be Dracula's own -- though there is doubt he has ever been there.

Anyway in couple of days I am going to Bucharest and later to Bulgaria.

So with the best wishes after visiting Dracula's castle
your Leo

Itak, ya provyol v svoyom rodnom Kieve 9 dney. Veroyatno nedostatochno, no ya hotel uskorit svoyo peredvizhenie k sleduyushchemu naznacheniyu. Posetil mnogie znakomye mesta i mogily. Bstretil nemnogih rodstvennikov i druzey -- nemnogih potomu chto malo ostalos.
Kiev izmenilsya, veroyatno k luchshemu. Gorod chist, mhogie zdaniya obnovleny ili obnovlyayutsya. I stroitelnyy bum v polnom razgare, he menshe, a veroyatno bolshe, chem v Moskve. V to zhe vremya ya otmetil novyy kievskiy arhitecturnyy stil. Ya by nazval ego neoeklektikoy ili psevdoctarinoy. V staroy chasti goroda novye zdaniya ctroyatsya v stile sosednih domov -- glavnym obrazom rubezha vekov 19/20. I oni ukrashayutsya metallicheskimi detalyami (balkonnye reshotki, kozyrki i t.p.) raboty odnoy ili bolee masterskich, kotorye ochen uvlekayutsya stilem modern.
No nesmotrya no polozhitelnye cherty (a ya ne upominayu otritsatelnyh) nichgo ne yoknulo vo mne. T.e. ya by ne hotel bernyttsa tuda zhit dazhe esli by u menya bylo mnogo deneg.
Iz Kieva poezdom ya pribyl b Suchavu (Cevernaya Rumynia). Posle obsledovania paspisannyh tserkvey Yuzhnoy Bukoviny -- 15-16 vekov s zamechatelno sohranivshimisya freskami vnutri i snaruzhi -- ya otpravilsya v Transilvaniyu: Sigishoara, Sibiu, Brashov. Eto zemli Vlada Tepesha bolee izvestnogo pod imenem grafa Drakuly. Vozmozhno bednyaga prosto hotel popolnit oskudevshie zapasy v mestnom institute perelivaniya krovi. No on ne nanyal cootvetstvuyushchey reklamnoy kompanii -- i oni emu sozdali plohuyu reputaziyu.
Tak chto nyne ya poseshchayu zamki, kotorye utverzhdayut, chto tut byl Drakula, hotya eto vesma somnitelno.
Zavtra edu v Buharest, a potom v Bolgariyu.
S nailuchshimi pozhelaniyami iz zamkov Drakuly
vash Lev

Thursday, June 14, 2007


After visiting Salisbury and Stonehenge I proceeded to Weymouth and Sidmouth. In that area I saw quite a lot: Dartmoor National Park, some lovely towns, and especially the magnificent perspective of the central nave Gothis vaulting of Exeter Cathedral. Later spent couple of days around Land's End -- the tip of Cornwall Peninsula and contunued to the elegant Bath and busy Bristol. The weather was cooperating all the way. However here, in the capital of Wales, it is not so nice -- the whole day is cloudy and raining though slightly. The collection of impressionists at the Welsh National Museum is the largest in the world outside of Paris. However it is closed now -- and perhaps for quite a long time -- leaks in the roof.

In an hour I am going by bus to Caernarfon. Its castle built around 1300 was since that time the place of ceremonial investiture of the Prince of Wales title on the heir to the BRITISH CROWN. It was first done in 13th century by Edward I -- just to show that Wales is dependent on England. And Welsh nationalist feelings are still run high. When the ceremony for Prince Charles took part in 1969 there was an attempt to blow his train. But I hope they will spare me, as I have no desire to be a British king.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

From Britain with love

So, I am in Britain now. Spent 9 days in London. Though the weather there was mainly unpleasant -- rainy and very cold -- I did enjoy this city of great museums where I spent most of my time. However it was not enough. Will try to visit more museums on the way
back. But now I have started my grand tour of the British Isles. The weather substantially improved and I enjoy tremendously the charming medieval city of Salisbury. Its huge beautifully preserved cathedral was built in 1258 and has not been changed since then. On the outskirts of town lies Old Sarum -- an old very impressive hill-fort occupied since Iron Age. After the Normans invasion in 1066 William the Conqueror built there his palace and surrounding town. Now everything is in ruins, but very impressive ramparts and moats just breathe with power. And the primeval power of the nearby prehistoric Stonehenge does not need my introduction. It is world famous. The archaeologists still cannot agree whether it was a giant astronomical calender or a place of sun worship and ritual sacrifices. So much has been written about it that you do not need to listen about its mysterious influences on my mystical soul.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Leo Falk Does It Again!

Sorry, I have no time to prepare more detailed information – I am departing New York in a hurry on May 22, 2007. And will travel only for a year this time.
My approximate plans:
June—July 2007....……….Britain and Ireland
After mid-July……………Northern Scandinavia (mainly Norway, possibly a little bit of
Sweden and Finland)
Aug.5-17…………………Expedition Murmansk-North Pole-Murmansk aboard
icebreaker YAMAL
Aug-Sept…………………Karelia, St.Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev
Oct-Nov………………….Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Turkey(?),
Dec-Jan..............................via Italy and Mediterranean Coast to Southern Spain
Feb-Mar 2008………….Canary Islands, Morocco
Apr-May…………………either Europe or Western Africa
End of May ……………...return to New York, though other 6 months of travel may be