Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Leo Falk Does It Again!

Sorry, I have no time to prepare more detailed information – I am departing New York in a hurry on May 22, 2007. And will travel only for a year this time.
My approximate plans:
June—July 2007....……….Britain and Ireland
After mid-July……………Northern Scandinavia (mainly Norway, possibly a little bit of
Sweden and Finland)
Aug.5-17…………………Expedition Murmansk-North Pole-Murmansk aboard
icebreaker YAMAL
Aug-Sept…………………Karelia, St.Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev
Oct-Nov………………….Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Turkey(?),
Dec-Jan..............................via Italy and Mediterranean Coast to Southern Spain
Feb-Mar 2008………….Canary Islands, Morocco
Apr-May…………………either Europe or Western Africa
End of May ……………...return to New York, though other 6 months of travel may be